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    Energy (Agreements)



  • Negotiating and drafting various agreements, contracts (such as for example: cost-plus; guaranteed maximum; lump sum; net cost; time & materials; unit price), documents, forms and templates for construction projects, such as for example: boilers; coal handling facilities; compressor stations; construction and development; construction management services; construction negotiations playbook; construction services handbook; control systems; flue gas desulfurization (FGD) systems; gas storage facility; gas sweetening (scrubbing); gas turbines; master construction; heat recovery steam generators (HRSGs); low-NOx burners; master engineering services; master maintenance requirements; nuclear waste disposal systems; offshore wind facilities; onshore wind facilities; photovoltaic (PV) power facility; pipelines (gas, LNG, oil, undersea); precipitators; processing facilities; pump stations; rooftop solar installations; selective catalyst reduction (SCR) systems; sewage treatment systems; solar generation facilities;  steam generators; steam turbines; tunnel; wastewater treatment; wind turbines.


    Engineer/Procure/Construct (EPC)

  • Engineer/Procure/Construct (EPC) contracts for: crude oil tank facility; electricity generation facility; heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) facility; liquefied natural gas (LNG) facility; oil storage facility; offshore wind turbine facility; petrochemical facility; specialty chemical facility; terminal gas power generation facility.



  • Negotiating and drafting various agreements, contracts (such as for example: cost-plus; guaranteed maximum; lump sum; net cost; time & materials; unit price), documents, forms and templates for agreements related to energy activities, such as for example: air transportation; amendments; asset sale and purchase; assumption and assignment; change orders; COVID-related work suspension agreements; customer service; development; easement; franchise; indemnity; infrastructure concession; International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA) master agreement and related documents (such as for example: administration agreement; credit support annex; custody agreement; general partner operating agreement; investor questionnaire; fund documentation; investment management agreement; limited partnership agreement; private placement memorandum; prospectus; subscription agreement); joint development and exploration; joint operating; lease-purchase; management; marine transportation; master services (MSA); merger and asset contribution; participation; partnership; rail transportation; railcar exchange and lease; request for information (RFI); request for proposals (RFP); request for qualifications (RFQ); request for solicitation (RFS); rights-of-way; royalties; services; take-and-pay; take-or-pay; technology licensing; transition services; truck transportation.



  • Negotiating and drafting various agreements, contracts (such as for example: cost-plus; guaranteed maximum; lump sum; net cost; time & materials; unit price), documents, forms and templates for nuclear projects such as for example: nuclear generating facility decommissioning; nuclear waste disposal.


    Oil and Gas

  • Negotiating and drafting various agreements, contracts (such as for example: cost-plus; guaranteed maximum; lump sum; net cost; time & materials; unit price), documents, forms and templates for fossil  projects, such as for example: accommodation; area of mutual interest; capacity; coal-fired generation; combined operating license; compressor stations; crude oil gathering; crude oil marketing; disposal services; distribution; drilling; ethanol production and supply; farmout; gas gathering; gas gathering and processing; hydraulic fracturing; hydraulic fracturing fresh water supply; hydraulic fracturing water gathering and recycling; interconnection; joint development; joint operating; leasehold acquisition; licensing; lifting; natural gas generation; natural gas storage; offshore pipeline; oil and gas leases; oil and gas processing; oil and gas transportation; operation suspension; overland pipeline; participation; petrochemical offtake; pipeline-related procurement; pipeline replacement; pipeline servitude; pipeline transportation; pipelines and tankage; production sharing; pump stations; salvage and reuse; seismic exploration; seismic survey; servitude and easement; shale development and exploration; solid waste collection and disposal; solid waste management; solid waste recyclable materials collection and processing; turnaround services; underground storage reservoir; wastewater treatment; water gathering and recycling.



  • Negotiating and drafting various agreements, contracts (such as for example: cost-plus; guaranteed maximum; lump sum; net cost; time & materials; unit price), documents, forms and templates for renewable projects such as for example: biomass energy supply; concentrating solar power (CSP – a/k/a “solar energy” or “solar power”) generation; congestion revenue rights; distribution; energy conservation; energy conversion; energy management; energy management services; energy optional pricing program rate; energy performance; energy sales; energy tolling; generator interconnection; geothermal development and energy supply; grid modernization; hydroelectric supply; hydrogen development and supply; hydropower energy supply; lithium battery production; optional pricing program rate; photovoltaic (PV) facility; pole attachment licensing;  rate modification; renewable energy credit (REC) purchase; retail energy (such as for example: agency-billing-collection-transportation; blended rate; buy-sell-rebate; declining rate; direct purchase from a utility; discount rate; fixed rate; fixed volume; full requirements; rate cap; single block; structured block; variable rate; volume discount; weather protection); rooftop PV installation; onshore wind turbine facility; power purchase agreements (PPAs) – including: commercial power purchase (CPPA); corporate power purchase (CPPA); full requirements power purchase (FRPPA); physical power purchase (PPPA); private wire power purchase (PWPPA); residential power purchase (RPPA); synthetic power purchase (SPPA); virtual PPA (VPPA) – site lease; solar energy performance; solar leases; transmission; wind leases; utility interconnection; wind energy generation.


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