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    Energy (Representation)


  • Consultation for diverse energy industry participants, such as for example: alternative energy developer; biodiesel developer; coal company; drilling company; ethanol developer; gas marketing company; independent oil and gas producer; independent power producer; issuers and underwriters for public offerings of debt and equity securities; lenders; natural gas suppliers; offshore wind project developer; oil and gas exploration and production company; oilfield equipment and services company; promoters of drilling programs; renewable energy developer; regional transmission organizations (RTOs); royalty owner; shale developer; trade associations; utilities; wind energy developer; wind turbine supplier.


  • Legal support for all energy-related tasks, such as for example: acquisition of mineral interests; acquisition of land rights and zoning; acquisition of major terminal and pipeline assets; acquisition of property, economic incentives and zoning modifications; acquisition and divestiture of oil and gas properties, natural gas gathering systems, drilling rigs and related equipment; air pollution permits; all facets of organization, financing, development, economic incentives, and operations; anti-boycott laws; application for energy incentives program; asset and stock acquisitions, divestitures and mergers of energy companies; asset sale of wind energy project site; B corporation certifications; brownfields reclamation; c-blocker corporate structure; carbon emissions reporting; certificates of need; certificates of public convenience; certificates of public necessity; closure and permitting of process waste water ponds; compliance audits; compliance with exchange (such as NYSE and NASDAQ) listing requirements; construction contract enumerated adjustment clauses; cooperatives; dam safety; demand response; development, financing, leasing and licensing of shale properties; development rights and ownership; dispute resolution with the US Army Corps of Engineers; dispute resolution with the US Coast Guard; distributed generation; Dodd-Frank Act; due diligence; emission performance standards; eminent domain; energy-efficiency retrofits; energy policies; environmental impact assessment (EIA); environmental impact statement (EIS); equipment lease, purchase and sale; establishing a mining subsidiary and acquiring the mining and quarry property and assets; facility siting; fair penalty resolution; Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA); foreclosure on a drilling permit and obtaining a judgment for fraudulent conveyance for diversion of the drilling permit; green buildings; greenhouse gas (GHG) emission remediation, performance standards, reporting; hydropower licensing; hydropower operations; import-export controls; independent system operator formation; infrastructure development; interconnection; joint venture with a common carrier pipeline company; licensing; loan negotiation and preparation; maritime and offshore issues; maximum achievable control technology (MACT); multi-tiered private equity financing; national ambient air quality standards (NAAQs); national emissions standards for hazardous air pollutants (NESAPs); national pollutant discharge elimination system (NPDES); natural gas infrastructure; natural gas transmission; reliability regulation issuesoffshore environmental compliance; oil spill remediation; permitting; power plant operations; prevention of significant deterioration (PSD); public benefit corporations; public-private partnerships; rate cases; refinery operations; regulatory appeals, compliance, regulatory proceedings, project approval; renewable energy portfolio standards; renewable methane gas dairy project; residential exchange programs; rights-of-way; route permits; sale of a refinery; sale of membership interests in a group of wind energy development companies; sanctions; Sarbanes-Oxley Act; Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) registration statements and reporting; Section 401 Water Quality Certification; smart grid technology; solicitations; startups; sustainable building design; tiered rates methodology; transmission line planning, permitting, and approval; transmission tariffs; utilities hearings; Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC) reliability regulation issues; zoning;


  • Domestic and international litigation and litigation management involving issues such as for example: accidents; administrative proceedings; alternative dispute resolution (ADR); antitrust; arbitration; assignment; breach of fiduciary duties; claims; class actions; confidentiality; conspiracy; corporate espionage; discovery; document review; earth current and other electrical phenomena; embezzlement; expropriation; financing; force majeure; foreclosure; fraud; fraudulent conveyance; gas plants; gross negligence; joint operating agreements; landowner vs. mineral lessee; lease disputes; letters of intent (LOI); mass tort; mediation; memoranda of understanding MOU); misappropriation; nationalization; oil and gas marketing; pipeline land acquisition; preferential rights; records management; records retention; royalties; safety; stray voltage; suspension; surface rights; subsurface rights; title clouds; trade secrets theft; undisclosed related-party transactions; whistleblowers; willful misconduct.


  • Various trade association interactions in various energy industries, such as for example:

  • Coal: American Coal Council (ACC); Coal Utilization Research Council (CURC); Colorado Mining Association (CMA); International Energy Agency (IEA) Clean Coal Centre; Kentucky Coal Association (KCA); National Coal Council (NCC); National Mining Association (NMA); West Virginia Coal Association (WVCA);

  • Elecricity: American Boiler Manufacturers Association (ABMA); Connectivity Standards Alliance (CSA); Edison Electric Institute (EEI); Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI); Electric Power Supply Association (EPSA); Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE); National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA); Energy Storage Association (ESA); GridWise Alliance (GWA); Smart Electric Power Alliance (SEPA); Utilities Technology Council (UTC);

  • Energy Efficiency: Air-Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration Institute (ACHRI); Alliance to Save Energy (ASE); American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE); American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE); International District Energy Association;

  • Renewable: Alternative and Renewable Energy (ARE); American Council on Renewable Energy (ACRE); American Wind Energy Association (AWEA); Business Council for Sustainable Energy (BCSE); Geothermal Energy Association (GEA); Geothermal Resources Council (GRC); National Hydropower Association (NHA); New Uses Council (NUC); Renewable Fuels Association (RFA); Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA);  United States Energy Association (USEA);

  • Nuclear: American Nuclear Society(ANS); Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI);

  • Oil and Gas: American Exploration and Production Council (AEPC); American Gas Association (AGA); American Petroleum Institute (API); Association of International Energy Negotiators (AIEN); Independent Petroleum Association of America (IPAA); International Association of Drilling Contractors (IADC); National Petroleum Council (NPC); North American Energy Standards Board (NAESB); Petroleum Equipment and Services Association (PESA); Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE).


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