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    Finance (Agreements) 

  • Drafting, negotiation or review of various types of finance agreements, documents, forms and templates, such as for: account control (ACA); additional grantor joinder (AGJA); asset contribution and purchase (ACAPA); asset purchase (APA); cash reserve (CRA); billing and asset management (BAAMA); billing and collection services (BACSA); billing services and license (BSALA); bond (BA); bridge loan (BLA); bridge loan credit and guaranty (BLCAGA): bridge term loan credit (BTLCA); building loan gap note (BLGNA); capital support (CSA); cash collateral (CCA); cash collateral account (CCAA); cash collateral account pledge (CCAPA); cash collateral and deposit (CCADA); cash collateral and disbursement (CCADA); cash collateral and letter of credit reimbursement (CCALOCRA); cash collateral pledge (CCPA); cash collateral pledge and security (CCPASA); cash collateral security and pledge (CCSAPA); cash collateralized revolving credit (CCLOCA); cash flow guarantee and collateral (CFGACA); cash management (CMA); cash management and investment services (CMAISA); cash management and security (CMASA); collateral account control (CACA); collateral assets investment management (CAIMA); collateral management (CMA); commercial letter of credit (CLOC); commodity swap (CSA); common stock purchase (CSPA); construction loan (CLA); construction loan and security (CLASA); construction and term loan (CATLA); continuing guaranty (CGA); contribution (CA); contribution and exchange (CAE); contribution, distribution and redemption (CDARA); convertible note purchase (CNPA); convertible promissory note (CPN); corporate guaranty (CGA); credit (CA); credit collateralization (CCA); cryptocurrency payment (CPA); currency swap (CSA); dealer manager (DMA); debt extension (DEA); defined contribution (DCA); delayed draw term loan (DDTLA); delayed payment (DPA); demand letter (DL); domain monetization (DMA); deposit account control (DACA); depositary (DA); equity capital contribution (ECCA); equity contribution (ECA); equity distribution (EDA); equity purchase (EPA); equity transfer (ETA); escrow account control (EACA); exchange agent (EAA); exchange note sale (ENSA); exchange note transfer (ENTA); exit fee (EFA); extension (EA); extension of standstill and forbearance (EOSAFA); financial and consulting services (FACSA); financial services (FSA); financial soundness (FSA); financing (FA); fiscal agency (FAA); forbearance (FA); forbearance and amendment (FAAA); forbearance extension to credit (FETCA); forbearance, modification and extension (FMAEA); funding (FA); general agency (GAA); guaranty (GA); guaranty and reserve account control agreement (GARACA); guaranty assumption (GAA); guaranty facility (GFA); guaranty letter of credit (GLOC); guaranty, subordination and cash collateral (GSACCA); installment payment (IPA); installment payment and bond amortization (IPABAA); interim financing (IFA); interest rate swap (IRSA); issuer cash management (ICMA); investment management (IMA); joinder (JA); joinder to cash management (JTCMA); lender forbearance (LFA); lender forbearance and consent (LFACA); lender joinder (LJA); letter of credit (LOC); letter of credit and cash collateral (LOCACCA); limited consent and first amendment to forbearance (LCAFATFA); limited deferred compensation plan (LDCP); limited guaranty (LGA); loan and modification extension (LAMEA); loan sale and assignment (LSAAA); loans; long-term cash (LTCA); master cash management (MCMA); master collateral agency and intercreditor (MCAAIA); master issuer cash management (MICMA); mezzanine A loan forbearance, modification and extension (MALFMAEA); mezzanine B loan forbearance, modification and extension (MBLFMAEA); mortgage consolidation, modification and extension (MCMAEA); mortgage loan purchase (MLPA); mortgages; note purchase (NPA); noteholder forbearance (NFA); parent guaranty (PGA); personal guaranty (PGA); pledge fee (PFA); pricing (PA); private placement warrants purchase (PPWPA); promissory note (PO); promissory note assignment and assumption (PNAAAA); purchase and contribution (PACA); receivables contribution (RCA); receivables purchase (RPA); registration rights (RRA); reoffering (RA); restatement and lender joinder (RALJA); sale and contribution (SACA); sales agency financing (SAFA); secured convertible promissory note (SCPN); securities purchase (SPA); securities purchase and contribution (SPAC); security (SA); security escrow agency (SEAA); securities account control (SACA); securities assignment (SAA); senior second lien secured convertible note (SSLSCN); senior secured convertible promissory note (SSCPN); share transfer (STA); short-term financing (STFA); sight draft (SD); standby letter of credit (SLOC); subordinated convertible promissory note (SCPN); subscription (SA); subscription agent (SAA); subsidiary guaranty (SGA); surety bond (SB); swing loan (SLA); transfer agency (TAA); trust account control (TACA); unsecured convertible note (UCN); waiver, discharge and forgiveness (WDAFA); warrant agent (WAA); warrant assignment, assumption and amendment (WAAAAA); warrant assumption (WA).


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