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    Grants and Nonprofits


  • Drafted, negotiated and managed various academic, construction, life sciences, pharmaceutical and religious grants and collaborative agreements with funders and sponsors, tailored to the specific requirements and location of each project, and interacted with principals and legal teams of the funders and sponsors.


  • Reviewed grant proposals and participated in award committees.


  • Organized corporate and trade events related to funding and awarding grants.


  • Developed protocols, templates and database for the effective management of grants and to streamline the review and approval processes for grant proposals.


  • Compiled and edited a grants management manual and had the responsibility for keeping the manual current and communicating updates to all relevant personnel.


  • Ensured that all donor reporting was performed in full compliance with internal protocols and regulatory, statutory and administrative requirements, and that donor deliverables were properly allocated.


  • Provided support to donor attorneys and representatives and addressed any open issues in a timely manner.


  • Responsible for maintaining current information regarding the domestic and international regulatory, statutory and administrative requirements relating to grants, sub-grants and procurement management.


  • Provided training to staff about grants, sub-grants and procurement management to mitigate potential disallowances.


  • Managed outside counsel, grantee counsel, peer foundations and public charities on grant compliance issues.


  • Reviewed grantee documents for tax-exempt 501(c)(3) status and for compliance with tax rules relating to supporting organizations, domestic and foreign government agencies, tax treaty provisions and Federal Lobbying Disclosure Act.


  • Familiarity with Office of Management and Budget (OMB) requirements, such as Circulars A-122 and A-133, United States Agency for International Development (USAID) protocols and European Commission funding guidelines.


  • Familiarity with the Department of Defense Grant and Agreement Regulations (DoDGARs).


  • Familiarity with the National Institutes of Health (NIH) grant application guidelines.


  • Ability to articulate corporate giving (CG) and the grants process to internal and external requestors and funders in a professional manner.


  • Managed all aspects of a CG process through the CyberGrant platform, including administrative and operational tasks such as tracking and maintaining all incoming and ongoing CG requests, ensuring that incoming CG requests included the minimum required documents to process the request, communicating to potential grant recipients and organizations (such as sending letters of agreement out to the potential recipients and organizations, obtaining the signed letters of agreement back from the potential recipients and organizations, requesting additional documentation for requests as required,sending out letters of agreement for the approved requests to the recipients and organizations), maintaining signed copies of all letters of agreement in a secure blockchain-enabled corporate database, processed grant payments, performed the close-out process for completed grants as required, was the primary contact for requestor inquiries, responsible for accuracy and completeness of grants compliance, responded to audit inquiries, analyzed of incoming requests, approval and decline documentation, e


  • Legal support for a pharmaceutical global medical grants (GMG) program (grants for clinical research, clinical research collaborations, investigator-initiated research, non-interventional research, medical education), aligned with certain pharmaceutical business interests, for the support of independent research and dissemination of emerging science to close knowledge and practice gaps, while enhancing the capabilities of healthcare systems to manage change.


  • Generated reports to track grant progress and resolve issues with GMG program operations.


  • Served as point of contact and responded to GMG program-related inquiries received from internal stakeholders (such as grant administrators and medical affairs executives) and external stakeholders (such as grant seekers)


  • Oversight of user access requests to the GMG platform, such as reviewing access requests, determining the appropriate level of access required and working with the appropriate administrators to implement access.


  • Review of the platform database to ensure that workflow is assigned to the correct grant administrators and approvers.


  • Assisted in the migration of archived completed grants from a legacy database to a new GMG program platform.


  • Drafted, negotiated and managed confidential disclosure agreements with funders and sponsors.


  • Developed protocols, templates and database for the effective management of grants and to streamline the review and approval processes for grant proposals, reviewed grant proposals and participated in award committees.


  • Organized and edited a grants management manual and had the responsibility for keeping the manual current and communicating updates to all relevant personnel.


  • Familiarity with nonprofit status for charitable organizations pursuant to Internal Revenue Code (IRC) § 501(c)(3).


  • Familiarity with nonprofit status for civic leagues, social welfare organizations and local employee associations pursuant to IRC § 501(c)(4), such as limitations on lobbying and partisan political activities.


  • Familiarity with nonprofit status for trade and professional associations pursuant to IRC § 501(c)(6).


  • Familiarity with nonprofit status for employee beneficiary associations pursuant to IRC § 501(c)(9).


  • Familiarity with nonprofit status for state-chartered credit unions and mutual reserve funds pursuant to IRC § 501(c)(14).


  • Familiarity with Office of Management and Budget (OMB) requirements, such as Circulars A-122 and A-133, United States Agency for International Development (USAID) protocols, guidelines from the European Commission, Department of Defense Grant and Agreement Regulations (DoDGARs) and National Institutes of Health (NIH).


  • Responsible for maintaining current information regarding the domestic and international regulatory, statutory and administrative requirements relating to grants, sub-grants and procurement management.


  • Provides training to staff about grants, sub-grants and procurement management to mitigate potential disallowances.


  • Provides advice concerning legal liability and reputational risk in coordination with internal staff and external colleagues with respect to communications and media.


  • Oversees copyright issues related to webcasting, music, social media, publications, intellectual property and communications.


  • Manages privacy concerns, waivers, disclaimers, and potential liability related to publicity and other public dealings.


  • Oversees insurance coverage and policies in connection with finance and tax departments.


  • Consultation relating to revenue-generating areas, such as monetizing assets and programs, royalties and rental payments, establishing income-generating activities to avoid or minimize unrelated business income tax, the creation of for-profit subsidiaries, charity auctions, raffles, sweepstakes and gaming and the creation of hybrid (non-profit/for-profit) business entities to fund targeted social enterprises.


  • Testing, use, recommendation, specification and procurement of various grant management platforms, such as Altum proposalCentral, Arreva Exceed Beyond, Award Force for Grants, Benevity, Cayuse Grants Management, CommunityForce Grants United, eCivis Grants Network, Evalato, Fluxx GrantMaker, Foundant for Grantmakers, Foundant for Grantseekers, ZoomGrants, HTC Global Services EGrAMS (Electronic Grants Administration and Management System), Jungle Lasers {g}grants, NonProfitPlus, OpenWater Grants, Optimy, Salesforce for Nonprofits, SmarterSelect, SmartSimple,, Submittable, SurveyMonkey Apply, WizeHive.


  • Consultation regarding the identification and screening of potential grant candidates and projects for the grant committee, participation in the review of documentation and disseminates grant committee documents.

    Last updated 200714_2315

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