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    Trusts & Estates (Litigation)


  • Experience with litigation involving issues regarding estates, trusts and wills, such as: ambiguous language; beneficiary rights; breach of fiduciary duty by an administrator, agent, executor or guardian under a power of attorney; claims against debtors; claims by creditors; closely-held businesses; contested accountings; discovery; distributions from endowment funds, grants and trusts; excluded property; executor and fiduciary issues (such as appointment or replacement); family limited liability companies (LLCs); family partnerships; forgery; fraud by managers and trustees; fraudulent transfers; guardianship; hidden assets; improper accounting of assets; imprudent estate administration; "" ("no-contest") clauses; informed consent; intestacy; kinship proceedings; living wills; powers of attorney; real estate partition; reimbursement; revocation; restitution; spousal right of election; supervised probate proceedings; theft of assets; timeliness of asset sales and distribution; turnover; valuation of assets, including real estate and unusual property that is difficult to value; waste of assets; waiver; will authenticity; will contests involving issues such as identity of beneficiaries, mental incapacity and undue influence; wrongful death.


    Last updated 201008_2034

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